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Full Time Go Dev
Introduction - IMPORTANT to watch
Discord + Github (5:33)
Introduction to Golang
Program intro and Golang Installation (11:14)
Variables (12:38)
Builtin and custom types (30:30)
Enums (12:31)
Control structures (11:20)
Interfaces (26:35)
Modules (28:52)
Advanced type techniques (17:26)
Advanced interfaces and typed functions (23:55)
Generics (12:07)
Pointers (20:36)
Writing tests (18:15)
Mastering concurrency
Intro to goroutines and channels (21:32)
Working with channels (17:29)
Control flow and synchronization example (20:59)
Mutexes and atomic values (23:40)
Package context (24:11)
Practical example (22:17)
Hotel reservation JSON API backend
Hotel reservation backend - project setup (38:26)
Adding the database layer (41:54)
Creating and validating users (39:41)
User CRUD API (44:38)
Testing the user API handler (32:55)
Setting up our db seed script (40:55)
Hotel API (40:44)
Listing rooms API and small DB refactor (31:34)
JWT Authentication (36:27)
Authenticating users (42:42)
Creating tests for the authentication handler (36:15)
Booking API (33:00)
Validating bookings with mongodb filter query (34:52)
Admin authorization (39:40)
Canceling bookings (40:36)
Creating test fixtures (37:54)
Advanced testing of authorized handlers (26:02)
Practical error handling (32:32)
Architectural decisions and loose coupling the data layer. (44:01)
Pagination and filtering resources (33:29)
Configuration (34:56)
Dockerfile + Debug lesson (21:54)
Building micro services
Introduction and project overview (14:42)
Coding the OBU data sender (39:35)
Setting up the Kafka producer (35:42)
Producing to Kafka with logging middleware (34:12)
Implementing the distance calculator service (40:50)
Coding the invoice aggregator (39:35)
Aggregator HTTP transport client (31:20)
Aggregator invoice API handler (34:03)
Implementing GRPC and Protobuffers as our second transport layer (40:26)
Aggregator GRPC client (39:36)
Internal service communication (13:13)
Building a custom HTTP gateway (38:51)
Running and testing the gateway with all services (22:23)
Metrics layer with Prometheus (43:01)
Grafana introduction (33:11)
Service configuration for your devops team (16:08)
HTTP metrics (29:13)
Custom error handling (30:49)
Request tracing (22:33)
Building services with go-kit | setup (50:15)
Building services with go-kit | circuit breaking & rate limiting (45:09)
Finishing the aggregator service with go-kit (41:33)
How to land a job
The interviewing process (21:10)
Making an amazing GitHub profile (12:02)
Crafting a killer resume (20:09)
Tips and tricks during the interview (19:30)
How to close the skill gap (17:29)
Mastering core Blockchain development
Private and public key cryptography (38:28)
Implementing blocks with protobuffers (27:11)
UTXO transaction model (38:45)
Coding the node with GRPC transport (40:27)
Peer To Peer with GRPC (35:45)
Peer discovery with custom gossip protocol (36:33)
Blockchain data structure (40:37)
Transaction mempool (38:20)
Adding and validating blocks (35:42)
Creating transactions (31:23)
Transaction validation (34:12)
UTXO storage (38:22)
Implementing the Merkletree (41:01)
Fixing tests and debug session (40:48)
Finalizing creating valid blocks and transactions (20:10) programming sessions
Peek reader and protocol design (32:05)
Teach online with
Making an amazing GitHub profile
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